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Girls Gone Dead (2012): A Cinematic Catastrophe of Cheap Thrills and Nudity

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Girls Gone Dead" is a low-budget horror-comedy that follows a group of college girls as they attend a Spring Break reunion party. The film aims to capitalize on the sexist nature of the horror genre, but it fails to deliver any substantial scares or genuine laughs. The tag line of the movie is 'Just when you though it was safe to go topless...' - this probably tells you all that you need to know.

The plot is poorly executed, with the filmmakers relying on cheap gore and gratuitous nudity to compensate for their lack of storytelling skills. The characters are flat and one-dimensional, with the female leads being nude for half the film and the male characters being nothing more than walking stereotypes.

The film's attempts at humor fall flat, with most of the jokes relying on tired stereotypes and offensive humor. Furthermore, the film's attempts at horror are equally unimpressive, with poorly executed special effects and lackluster suspense. The scares are cheap and ineffective, with the film relying on blood squirts and predictable plot twists.

Overall, "Girls Gone Dead" is a cinematic catastrophe that fails on every level. Its attempt to capitalize on cheap thrills and misogyny only serves to highlight its lack of originality and poor quality. If you are into slasher flicks, you may want to watch it once. For the rest, avoid!

I rate it 0.5 out of 5.

Direction Rating: 0/1

Cinematography Rating: 0.25/1

Story Rating: 0/1

Acting Rating: 0/1

Film Score Rating: 0.25/1



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