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Gemini Man (2019): Clones and Confrontations - Exploring Two Sides of Will Smith

Gemini Man, directed by Ang Lee, is a high-octane action film that pushes the boundaries of visual effects and showcases a captivating dual performance from Will Smith. While the film delivers thrilling action sequences and impressive technical achievements, it falls short in terms of storytelling and character depth.

The story follows Henry Brogan (Will Smith), an elite government assassin facing retirement. However, when he discovers that he is being hunted by a younger, faster, and eerily familiar assassin, he becomes entangled in a dangerous conspiracy. The younger assassin turns out to be a clone of himself named Junior, created by the very agency he used to work for.

The highlight of Gemini Man is undoubtedly the groundbreaking visual effects used to portray the younger Will Smith. The de-aging technology is well crafted, creating a seamless and convincing younger version of the actor. The action sequences, particularly the motorcycle chase in Cartagena, showcase Ang Lee's directorial flair and add extra intensity to the film. Will Smith's dual performance as Henry and Junior is commendable. Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Benedict Wong also deliver solid performances as Henry's allies.

Where Gemini Man falters is in its storytelling. The plot isn't bad - it's just predictable and formulaic, leaving little room for surprises although it is engaging in parts. The film's pacing suffers as well, particularly in the middle act, where it becomes bogged down by exposition and unnecessary detours. Ang Lee tries to bring attention to the consequences of cloning and playing god, but those are overshadowed by the emphasis on action. Still, Gemini Man provides an entertaining cinematic experience with fantastic visuals and camera work. Wish they had focused that much on the story and it would have been a super movie.

I rate it 2.75 out of 5.

Direction Rating: 0.5/1

Cinematography Rating: 0.75/1

Story Rating: 0.5/1

Acting Rating: 0.5/1

Film Score Rating: 0.5/1



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