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Double the Tom Hardy, Double the Fun: A Review of Legend (2015)

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Hold on to your hats, folks, because "Legend" is one wild ride!

First off, can we talk about Tom Hardy? Or, more specifically, Tom Hardys? That's right, he plays not one, but TWO identical twins in this film, and let me tell you, it's a sight to behold. Hardy's performance(s) are nothing short of mesmerizing - he manages to imbue each twin with his own distinct personality and mannerisms, making it easy to forget that you're not actually watching two different actors on screen.

But let's not forget the other standout performances in this movie. Emily Browning plays Frances, the love interest of one of the twins, and she brings a much-needed dose of heart and humanity to the story. And then there's Paul Bettany as the menacing gangster, who is both terrifying and strangely charismatic at the same time.

But what really makes "Legend" such a blast to watch is its unapologetic embrace of its own ridiculousness. This is a movie where people get shot in the head and still manage to have witty one-liners on their way out. It's a movie where the heroes wear matching suits and have their own theme song (seriously).

In short, "Legend" is the perfect movie to watch when you're in the mood for some over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek fun. Just sit back, relax, and let Tom Hardy(s) and company take you on a wild ride.

I rate it 3.75 out of 5.

Direction Rating: 0.75/1

Cinematography Rating: 0.75/1

Story Rating: 0.75/1

Acting Rating: 1/1

Film Score Rating: 0.5/1

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