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Caged Desires: The Disturbing Tale of Pet (2016)

Pet is a psychological thriller that explores the dark and twisted world of obsession, control, and manipulation. Directed by Carles Torrens, the film follows Seth (Dominic Monaghan), a lonely and socially awkward man who becomes infatuated with his former high school crush, Holly (Ksenia Solo). He decides to kidnap her and keep her captive in a cage beneath the animal shelter where he works.

The film is a disturbing journey into the mind of a deeply troubled individual. The plot is appears to be the usual but is actually unpredictable, with many unexpected twists and turns that are surprising. Monaghan delivers a haunting and nuanced performance as Seth, making the character both sympathetic and deeply unsettling.

Seth tries to manipulate Holly into loving him and giving him the companionship he so desperately craves. The film's intense psychological tension is accentuated by the claustrophobic setting of the animal shelter, where the characters are surrounded by cages.

The film's strengths lie in its ability to unsettle and unnerve you, making you question your own understanding of what is right and wrong. At the same time, you feel like something is lacking and there could have been more in terms of story or instances. It is a disturbing examination of the darkest corners of the human psyche and I would recommend watching it at least once.

I rate it 2.75 out of 5.

Direction Rating: 0.5/1

Cinematography Rating: 0.5/1

Story Rating: 0.5/1

Acting Rating: 0.75/1

Film Score Rating: 0.5/1



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